How to: Set the curb chain in Pelham bit

The Pelham bit is composed by a shank and a mouthpiece: the curb chain rules the work of these two elements.

It’s important to set the correct chain tension as the chain links lie flat and hang loose below the chin groove, coming into action against the jaw only when the shanks have rotated due to rein pressure.

To set the correct chain tension you have to rotate the shanks and tighten the chain till the curb chain stops the rotation of the shanks at 45° between the mouth of the horse and the shanks.

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If the chain is too tight the bit will act before as a curb bit becoming more severe; if the chain is less tight the bit will act more as a snaffle bit, losing in control of the horse.

In the first part of this video Karen Loshbaugh explains the settage of the bit:

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